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Organizing for Mission Network is dedicated to equipping leaders with the tools that faith communities and individuals need to address systemic injustice.

Contextual Gathering

This annual 3-day event is hosted by a network member. It includes contexual learning, trainings, opportunities to build relationships with other practitioners, and spiritual formation. 

Our next contextual gathering is May 9-11, 2024 in Seattle, WA

Train the Trainer

Sharpen your skills, develop your story, and be part of a team of invested trainers who provide one another transformative & agitational evaluations

Week-long Training

OFMN has developed a weeklong training that gives leaders the foundation needed to engage communities in building collective power is service of God's liberating work.
These trainings have been held in-person and online. 


Our next weeklong training is August 6-10, 2024 in Allentown, PA

Local and Regional Cohorts

OFMN works with local leadership to develop cohorts that organize with lenses of equity, spirituality, and place based issues.

© 2024 by the Organizing for Mission Network

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